Sale Terms and Conditions
The sale price is only valid for reservations made for between now and September 30, 2018 (inclusive)
The sale entitles you to 25% off the total price of your stay at the time of booking.
All sales are subject to blackout dates.
Sale pricing is for new bookings only, booking pricing cannot be adjusted retrospectively for existing bookings.
Sale pricing is applicable to a limited quantity of rooms – once those rooms are sold, the sale price is no longer available on those dates.
Sale pricing does not apply to group bookings -please contact us so we can quote the best price for your group.
Unless specified to the contrary, all sale bookings must be made direct to the Atlantic Tower Motor Inn via the Atlantic Tower Motor Inn website, phone, email or in person.
Bookings or enquiries made through any form of travel agent, online or otherwise, are not eligible for sale offers.
Atlantic Tower Motor Inn reserves the right to change or withdraw sale offers at any time.
Sale pricing is not valid with any other offer or voucher.
This offer is only valid as derived from the Best Available Rate. Loyalty rates cannot be used in conjunction with this offer.
This offer is not subject to further discount.